Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So I've finally accept my man repeller status. I've tried to put on sexy skirts and such, but no matter how tight my clothes, I can't deny that I'm seriously jonesing for a really big Afro. I want to tease the little hair I have so big that I have a hair battle with Snooki. Poof vs. Tease, who will win?

Some exciting news, just to keep you guys updated. I'm getting my head shots done, hopefully this weekend and putting together my resume. I'm looking forward to mailing everything out and getting started in this agent process. Maybe it's the excessive amounts of Entourage I've been watching, but more than I want an Afro I want to get back to acting. It's my first love and I'm so ready to be reunited with it.

Any news you want to share?

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