Philidelphia--outside Macys with my aunt, uncle, cousins and family :) (they took us there to see this awesome light show in the middle of the store! Julie Andrews was the narrator and told a bunch of Christmas stories, and there was also lights timed to music--loved it!)
Circles!: According to my friend, it's a Philipeno tradition to style yourself with cirlces during the month of January to ensure a good year. Lucky for glitz-loving divas, sequins totally count! If you want this year to be the best one yet, rock this superstition dressed up or dressed down, day or night (though I think we can all agree that sequins at night look way cooler!). Either way, if you want to sport sequins when it's not new years eve, and want to avoid looking like a disco ball, save the all out for the party and make a more modest show by hiding some of that sparkle with a simple skirt or top. You should also know that even when dressed down, the glam is still an attention grabber, (usually a desirable factor ;)) and must be worn with confidence! Be shiny, be noticed, and build up luck for the new year!
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