Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009, Hellos and Goodbyes

2009 in Recap
Starting with...


London is classically, almost predictably, fashion forward. Londoners playfully mix prints and proportions for easy punk and grunge looks. Always tongue-in-cheek, the British have conquered Kinderwhore look (little cocktail dresses with ripped tights and ratted hair) and Lady Gaga glam.

Predictions: London is going to move towards a more streamlined look that we saw come out of Tokyo last year. Everything in fashion makes a circle, and the whole Blade Runner idea hasn’t yet finished its circuit. But forget your skintight leggings from last year. Think crazy proportions: stuffed harem pants, super cropped blazers and a switch from exaggerated shoulders to big sleeves (remember the lantern or the 60s Victorian?).