Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You Were Outta My League

I will not toy with it nor bend an inch.
Deep in the secret chambers of my heart

muse my life-long hate, and without flinch
I bear it nobly as I live my part.

My being would be a skeleton, a shell,
If this dark Passion that fills my every mood,
And makes my heaven in the white world's hell,
Did not forever feed me vital blood.

I see the mighty city through a mist--
The strident trains that speed the goaded mass,
The poles and spires and towers vapor-kissed

A door opens. You can get on the plane. The seats are narrow, old, the sort-of puke green you only see stained on bathroom floors. And yet, you can't help being excited. No one you know has done this before you. You tackle the small, swaying plane. You will come out the other side, better and braver. Soon the wings are carried by wind, the ground only a memory of stability, and the ocean on your horizon. But then, your stomach rolls and you help create another puke-green memory.

I hope I wasn't too angsty for anyone, but this is how I think of the white challenge. While first tackling it with excitement, I soon realized that dressing in one color is horribly depressing. You feel uncomfortable, unsure. Whether or not you like the outfit does not matter, just the fact you're wearing the same color over and over again...Your eyes begin to bleed white.

So consider the challenge a success in some ways. I wore 14 days of white (sorry, not all photos will be posted due to a) computer problems and b) ugly outfits), and I think tried styles that without this I might never have explored. But I couldn't have done it for another 14. I have to say, though, I came out a stronger person. The outfits I would consider too 'weird' or 'fashion-y' are now tame. So be expecting some fun patterns and new trend experiments!

So I leave you with some interesting and fantastic white outfits by Yohji Yamamoto

Images via: Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn; Igore and Andre
Poem: The White City by Claude McKay