Monday, April 11, 2011

Je m'appelle YSL

I got this fantastic book on Yves Saint Laurent and after savoring every beautiful page, I had to share some of my favorite YSL photos with you. I absolutely love this designer! The book is literally called "Yves Saint Laurent" and was, as the book says, "made possible through the patronage of Madame Carla Bruni-Sarkozy". It's pretty much the ultimate YSL Bible.

(Front Cover) Seriously, yall need to check this out!

The great man himself <3
I'm not a fan of people using real fur, but I love the lighting in this picture
these fiery feathers look like they belong to a phoenix
Love the lighting in this one too; I'm a big fan of gypsies
I think the best part of being a model would be getting to do awesome shoots like this. I would give so much to pose in gorgeous dresses with wild animals! Maybe I'll go find some squirrels and go all disney princess on you...wait, I actually like that...hmmm