Sunday, November 8, 2009

Torn in Teal

Continuing the fall transition, the new color of choice is green-warm and earthy, green is making its way through celebrities and runways to us; to our clothes, to our nails, to our jewelry and even homes, green is the way to go. Not to mention its the universal color for the environment! So when you plan out your winter wardrobe, go green by adding hints of it to your outfits with nail polish, or going all out with green jackets, sweatshirts, and-if you find the right pair-pants!
I also haveee to comment on the reason I even bought this shirt--the back! The Purple Boot and I often discuss our love for detailed backs, (she gives a much better explanation for this love than I do) and I loved the simple T look of the front that prevents distraction from the viewer, keeping the focus on the ripped, artsy slits.

Shirt: Fashion Tomato