Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The things I am grateful I cannot even begin to count. But! I will try.
Of course, you readers, who stand faithfully by this website between my crazy long hiatus(es) between posts. And for putting up with my rants. I mean, that's a lot to be thankful for.
But I'm also thankful for my parents, weird as they are, who stand by me and support even when they drive me nuts. That goes for my family in general. The thankful part as well as the making me insane part.
I'm so, so thankful to the opportunities given to me and for the chance to continue into the year with more appreciation for what I have.

So remember, even when the kitchen is filled with all the relatives you never wanted to see, take a deep breath and laugh. Because a little laughter goes a long way. Personally, I think it's the only thing that carries us from one year to the next. Look at the people around you and invite them to laugh, to spend time together in the most jovial way possible.

Happy Turkey Day!
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