Sometimes, I forget how hard school is. There's that one moment in the summer, where all your traveling is done, but all your friends have left, and you're spending a beautiful sunny day watching TV in your basement, and you think "Gee, wouldn't it be nice if school started again? I'm so excited to see everyone..." and blah, blah, blah.
Then you get there and the hallways are full of people who can barely utter a coherent sentence and you have to brawl in the stairwells to get to your next class.
College is an ominous looming every figure. Every grade and activity answers to this unmerciful god. So you pile on all you can, trying to build your brag sheet, only to crushed under the incredible work load and responsibility.
If it seems like I'm ranting, I am. And if it seems like I'm overreacting, I might be. I guess I should confess that only this year I have been diagnosed with depression. It's been a struggle to keep calm during the day with the all pressure of daily life and keeping this a secret. I know there isn't as much of a stigma with the disease as their used to be, but it's a big deal to me. It's changed my whole life, and the way I deal with it. The world is bigger and scarier to me than it ever has been before.
I'm not writing this in order to receive a pity party, but in order to touch on something real. Fashion is frivolous in many ways, but it's an incredible outlet to express oneself. No matter how glum I may feel, I know that I can find something pretty to wear and it will always make me smile. Shallow? Yes. But I firmly believe it is about the little things, about how you choose to cope. For me, a sense of humor and a good closet is key.
So to everyone out there reading this who may be struggling with depression, I wish you good luck. I promise the world isn't as big and scary as it seems and you already have the tools inside of you necessary to get past this dark point in your life.
And to those of you who may blast me for taking this disease seriously when in just my last post I made jokes about anorexia and bulimia, I did not mean to offend. But that's not to say I didn't. But that does not mean that I will not continue to. I say what I think or, at least, what I think is funny. Sometimes it isn't, but that's life.
Don't let this discourage you from commenting! I love to hear your feedback, good or bad, as long as you're not rude. Seriously, I don't need that shit. I'm depressed, remember?
Images Via:, Late Afternoon, and 5 Inches and Up
*Man...I really got into a tangent didn't I. These pictures are obviously not about depression...or school. Just things I love. These outfits are perfect. They're comfy and casual and not trying to hard.
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