Monday, November 29, 2010

Forever Young

If perfection had a lookbook account, you'd be staring at it. There is nothing better than these swingy skirts and men shirts. I mean, lets start with the fit. These are clothes made to be worn and enjoyed! The clothes skim the body, hinting at curves and showcasing almost every woman's best feature, her legs. Yet they're not tight enough or short enough to cause concerned grandmothers to ask you if you forgot your pants (yes, this has happened before). Not to mention, the bright effervescent color! Forget Adderall, these are all you need to keep awake during those dreary winter days. But my favorite part has to be the easiness. None of these pieces match, none of them have a hundred layers. They are playful and young, something that clothes have forgotten these days. Sure, you can be sophisticated and look ten years older, but I fully enjoy being seventeen and intend to have my fun with it. Thank you Jonathan Saunders for a collection that is just plain (though there is nothing plain about it) glorious.

Images Via: The Sartorialist