I know I shouldn't "sweat the small stuff", but isn't really all about the details? Today, during a much too hot and much needed lunch break, I couldn't help but stare at the girl across from me. No, I have not finally decided to go gay after my many male misadventures, but I was fascinated by her socks. It must have been 90 degrees and yet here she was, wearing thick, tall knee socks with suede boots. There's got to be something wrong with us (yes I include myself among the fashion literate). We choose to wear the ridiculous, the weird, the unbelievable. We torture feet to fit into heels, suction our stomachs for bandeau dresses. It's crazy! And yet, isn't that what makes fashion so incredible? The need to express oneself so strongly that you can help but wear five inch heels to school or socks on a steaming August day.
Images Via: Street Pepper, I Know What You Wore Last Season (Louis Vuttion backpack)
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