Monday, October 11, 2010

Cozy Crochet

It's there, hiding. The leaves on the trees are turning golden, the air feels crisp, and the pumpkins are being left on doorsteps. Fall is playing hide and go seek, where the weather is close to Summer some days, and then a little tease of Autumn. It shakes it's branches at us like a little flirt, lets the leaves dance, then runs away and hides behind the sun or rain. All I want to do is see Fall in full force. That way I can grab a cup of hot apple cider from Starbucks and wrap myself in some cozy knits. Layers, layers, layers, it's my mantra until the weather cooperates and Fall stops being a wanton (i.e: skank)

Images Via: Nastygal Blog (Chanel Iman), Late Afternoon, Fashiontoast, I Know What You Wore Last Season (Sienna Miller)
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