I love Katy Perry's hair in her music video for "the one that got away" (I'm also in love with the song <3) and I've been thinking for a while if I should cut my hair like that. I'm staying with my natural blonde hair (for now) but I adore the 70's and want something kinda choppy. What do you think? Can choppy be low maintenance and still chic?
Also, I've come to the realization that I have the weirdest dreams....last night I was in my back yard with my aunt and her dog and I went into my garage and found my lost prada glasses (oh how I wish that were true) and came out to find her with a squirrel on her shoulder explaining to me that we need to "save the baby squirrel" that had just hatched from a plastic egg on the ground....wtf? World, meet my unconscious. I should analyze my dreams for psych hehe. Try connecting that to sex and aggression Freud! Wow I've been studying my psych book for too long...
images via google
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