Thursday, December 31, 2009

Call Me Clairvoyant

Continuing with...


I bow to the fashion gods that reside in Tokyo. They gave us Lolita and reintroduced us to the harem pants (yes, I have a slight obsession). But the true Tokyo style seems to be geek-chic. Every man has an over-sized button down and every girl has a strong-shouldered blazer. A little too Marc Jacobs last season, no?

Predictions: These are really hopes from Tokyo. For a city that’s constantly fashion forward, its inhabitants seem to be stuck in a rut of their own making. I think to really bring them back to the forefront of fashion is to update their winning style. Instead of creating a boys club or losing the layers, how about adding in some feminine touches. Sheer silk overlay, ruffles, and white are my thoughts for Tokyo’s new look.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009, Hellos and Goodbyes

2009 in Recap
Starting with...


London is classically, almost predictably, fashion forward. Londoners playfully mix prints and proportions for easy punk and grunge looks. Always tongue-in-cheek, the British have conquered Kinderwhore look (little cocktail dresses with ripped tights and ratted hair) and Lady Gaga glam.

Predictions: London is going to move towards a more streamlined look that we saw come out of Tokyo last year. Everything in fashion makes a circle, and the whole Blade Runner idea hasn’t yet finished its circuit. But forget your skintight leggings from last year. Think crazy proportions: stuffed harem pants, super cropped blazers and a switch from exaggerated shoulders to big sleeves (remember the lantern or the 60s Victorian?).

Monday, December 21, 2009

America's Next Top (fill in the blank)

I have doe eyes. Statement of fact. I always get told that when I listen intently to someone, my eyes get very big-as in deer in the headlights big-and I have very good posture; so, for a while, I was very self-conscious about this and would try to stop myself whenever I'd notice it. Then, while searching for inspiration, I came across this photo--remember Allison? The cute, unique girl with the gorgeously huge eyes? Yeah, her. She has much larger eyes than I do and yet she was "in the running of becoming America's Next Top Model". She would sometimes talk about how awkward it was for her when she'd meet new people. She once said "I walk into a room and people are like 'Woah, now there's something you don't see every day."' I've finally accepted the fact that I have odd habits when I listen to something I'm interested in, stopped trying to prevent it, and now others have accepted it even more easily. So to all you fabulous people out there, don't be self-conscious about every little thing people say about you, cuz sometimes it's just not worth it--if you can accept and love yourself, so can the rest of the world. Believe in yourself and one day you could be Americas Next Top...(you fill in the blank) ♥

P.S. Also, looking at all the products people use to make their eyes look sexy and bigger just proves how lucky people with naturally big eyes are 8)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

False Inspiration

Julie Nivert





Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Just Want to Climb the Eiffel Tower with You

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Soft Love

Julie Christie



As the snow begins to fall I dig through my closet for a winter jacket that doesn't exist...So now I reach for my trusty Russian hat. Just because my body turns an interesting shade of blue doesn't mean my style has to suffer or my ears have to freeze.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Share The Love

I LOVEEE Courtney Loves dress designs! I was trying to describe them to PB today but I just couldn't find the right words; funky, spunky, flirty, BA, kind of a comic-ish poster covered wall you can see I still haven't been able to form a sentence to describe the design, but I liked it and I hope you guys do too! :)

Thank you NYLON for the video!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

You Make My Dreams Come True

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So We Could Live Life, Like Whitney and Bobby

Photos from yesterday, highlighting our amazing behind-the-sceners:

Dear R, could please stop being a beast? The fact that you can take photos like Paul Rowland, salsa dance, and do crazy hand stands makes anything I do in comparison insignificant.


I officially refuse to walk the hallways any longer. Not only is it extremely awkward to carry back-pack (what do you do with your hands?!), but you have to make eye contact (or avoid it) skillfully. I fail to do either of these activities with grace or poise and today while I was walking down the dreaded corridors I went to wave to a friend while swiping some guy along his buttocks. Not a big deal when you can just walk away and pretend the person behind you is the culprit, but this particular guy happened to have reflexes like Spiderman. He whipped his head around and gave me a look that screamed "I am going to sue you for sexual harassment." Oh well. He should be flattered.

Do you have amazing style? Send us your photos and we'll put them on the blog!